Worker's Compensation Software & 亚博真人官方版APP

Workers’ Compensation 法案审查 & Claims Management 亚博真人官方版APP


Maintain 医疗, Fee Schedule & 监管报告 Compliance

Mitchell helps our clients manage compliance with workers’ compensation 监管s, including fee schedule and medical requirements and CMS and FROI/SROI reporting.

Dedicated Compliance Team

医疗 & Fee Schedule Compliance

米切尔聘请了一个专门的合规团队,不仅跟踪工人赔偿立法格局,还帮助推动和通报其政策. Our compliance experts deliver regular industry updates to our Compliance Connection website. Mitchell根据需要向我们的软件提供收费时间表数据和其他监管数据更新.

A Singular Connection For State Reporting

Mitchell 监管报告 Solution

Mitchell的监管报告亚博真人官方版APP通过为州报告提供单一连接,并包含超过10个,为我们的客户简化了报告过程,000 mandatory and conditional edits. 我们的合规团队直接与各州合作,报告需求变更并监控更新.

We Provide Multiple Options to Help Our Clients with State Reporting

组装, 管理和提交所需的信息,符合司法法规,在我们的易于使用, 安全的门户网站.


Eliminate manual data entry by exporting FROI/SROI data from the claims management system. Submit files for IAIABC releases in a single file format.



审查 医疗 Bills & 控制成本



SmartAdvisor 医疗 法案审查 Platform

Mitchell行业领先的医疗账单审核平台可以根据客户的具体工作流程进行定制,以帮助他们实现独特的业务目标. 这项技术, supported by a highly sophisticated and Mitchell-owned rules engine, helps to drive consistency and 精度 in price for care. 另外, 我们的医疗账单审核客户可以使用Mitchell mosaic——一种采购和堆叠PPO网络的专有方法,以及设计和定制工作流程和结果所需的专业团队和工具.

米切尔通过以下三种方式之一向客户提供医疗账单审核平台:授权软件, Technology Enabled Services or a hybrid model.

速度 & 精度

Technology Enabled Services

通过与Mitchell的技术支持服务合作,为调整人员腾出时间,专注于高价值的任务和复杂的决策. The Technology Enabled Services team provides end-to-end business processing & specialty services with 速度 and 精度, driving value to clients. 服务包括:

  • Data capture services
  • 文档管理
  • Full bill processing
  • 认证代码审查
  • 邮件收发室服务
  • 质量保证


These additional services include:


Mitchell’s AuditPro bill auditing solution employs a unique blend of technology, data and expertise to detect billing errors, 验证和纠正医疗代码,并对医疗记录进行收费,以进行账单审核定价. AuditPro亚博真人官方版APP可处理各种账单类型,包括专业和设施账单.

Mitchell Specialty 法案审查


Mitchell Negotiations Services

米切尔的直接与供应商谈判服务,帮助确保医疗费用的折扣率使用各种策略,包括即时支付, data-enhanced and strategic negotiations.

自动化 & Enhance 医疗 Management Programs


Enhance your organization’s medical management program and teams with Mitchell 审查Stat, 一个直观的基于web和高度自动化的工作流优化亚博真人官方版APP,用于促进和监视用例的进度,以进行利用率审查, peer review and case management.



Learn 关于 审查Stat

Manage Pharmacy Claims

Mitchell ScriptAdvisor is the industry’s most complete PBM, integrating bill review, 临床和索赔系统提供无缝体验,并提高了整个索赔的可见性.

ScriptAdvisor®, PBM Solution

  • Dedicated customer service & 药学专业知识 
  • Extensive national network 
  • Comprehensive clinical programs 
  • Smart technology and pre-build integrations 
  • 健壮的报告 & 分析 
  • 监管 & 合规专业知识

Learn more about Mitchell’s full suite of end-to-end casualty solutions.


收到账单 & Submit Payments Electronically

Woman working on her PC


Mitchell的SmartBill亚博真人官方版APP处理电子账单,帮助我们的客户提高效率并节省开支. Mitchell了解提高电子账单普及率的价值,并直接与供应商合作,鼓励从纸质账单向电子账单的迁移.


Mitchell’s 捷 solution offers end-to-end automated payment reconciliation, drives efficiencies in the payment process and helps reduce material and labor costs.


亚博真人官方版APP & 的见解

Get the latest insights and industry updates you need to know.

Enlyte Article

Looking Beyond the Numbers of Enlyte’s 医疗 Price Index

3 分钟阅读

In this quarter’s Enlyte Executive Insight, 米歇尔Hibbert, senior vice president of regulatory compliance management, 讨论了Enlyte医疗价格指数的最新结果及其对行业的影响.

Enlyte Article

Enlyte Pharmacists Discuss a Changing Workers’ Comp Pharmacy Landscape

4 分钟阅读

Workers' compensation pharmacy is constantly evolving, from tackling the opioid crisis, to the rise of compounding pharmacies, 应对大流行. Amidst these changes, pharmacy benefit managers must constantly evolve to address an array of industry changes. 在我们最后一次令人振奋的谈话中,我们的药剂师讨论了整个行业的变化,包括医生短缺, digital therapeutics, biopsychosocial approaches, 新药治疗, 更多的是推动需要不断的规划和创新,以保持领先一步,在这个不断变化的环境.

Enlyte Article

Enlyte Pharmacy Experts Speak on Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

7 分钟阅读

客户在管理员工补偿药房计划方面面临着许多挑战,包括捕获所有药房的使用和成本,以及解决价格机会主义者的滥用问题. 在这个令人振奋的对话中,我们将深入挖掘这些问题和其他问题,通过识别找到积极主动的机会来解决药房的挑战, 监管, 并不断重新评估结果和分析,以更好地了解正确的药房合作伙伴如何对总体支出和索赔结果产生积极影响.

评估性能 with Advanced Reporting & 分析


显示自定义 & Actionable Program 的见解 With Robust Tools

Mitchell provides a variety of both standard and ad-hoc reports for our clients, including but not limited to:

  • SmartReports
  • 包含对
  • SmartTracker Performance Dashboard
  • Provider Analysis Report
  • Industry Comparison Report
  • Provider Network Performance Report

Mitchell Claims Performance Consulting


Leveraging our rich database and reporting capabilities, 我们的理赔绩效咨询专业人员利用深入的专业知识,帮助客户在理赔管理过程中发现未开发的机会,并揭示客户, actionable insights and benchmark their results compared to the industry.

Want To 了解更多 关于 Mitchell’s Full Suite Of End-to-End 伤亡的亚博真人官方版APP? 点击这里亚博真人官方版APP